european pact for integration


2.5 years​

7 EU countries, 13 partners involved​

proposal design & writing, creative direction, visual identity design, website and media production.

The European Pact for Integration project (EPI) aims to develop and improve local inclusion and integration strategies addressing migrants living in seven different cities across Europe – Cartagena (Spain), Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Dietzenbach (Germany), Linkoping (Sweden), Lublin (Poland), Ravenna (Italy), and Riga (Latvia). 

This has been achieved through the development of efficient strategies addressing one or more of the following issues in each city: inclusion, housing, access to basic services, including health services, cultural exchanges, integration into the labour market.

The idea has been designed and developed by Tree with 7 EU cities and 6 NGOs coming from 7 EU countries. The proposal has been accepted for funding by the European Commission through the AMIF funding instrument.

The project run until June 2022.

During the project’s execution, Tree led the design and development of the project’s engagement strategy, delivering the following:

  • Project visual identity
  • Online and Offline deliverables (communication materials)
  • Website
  • Social media strategy
  • Multimedia content (infographics and video)

Are you looking for a partner to develop an engagement and communication project,
an effective web marketing strategy or a new visual identity?

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